At Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa, FL, we know that the key to keeping a transmission reliable and in shape is taking care to prevent an issue in the first place. Here, well explore a condition which has a lot of potential to cause your transmission harm: overheating.
At Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa, FL, we understand the importance of being on top of the latest in automotive technology. That’s why we invest heavily in top-notch diagnostic and programming equipment, and why we have technicians that know how to use it.
While fleet trucks and vehicles tend to persist as some of the more simplistic vehicles on the road, the modernization and computerization of the automotive world has not left them untouched. These days, everything is equipped with computer systems, sensors, modules, and more. At Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa, FL, our professional technicians have the knowledge, equipment, and ability necessary to provide the accurate and vital diagnostics required to keep your fleet on the road.
You don’t have to buy a new, fuel-efficient car to get great fuel efficiency. No one wants to trade a fuel bill for a car payment, so take a look at our top 5 ways to save on fuel and you may just be able to pocket a little extra money at the end of the month.
1. Change Your Driving Style - If you’re the kind of person who enjoys the rush of hard acceleration, typically runs 10 mph over the speed limit and brakes abruptly, we’ve got bad news: you’re hurting your vehicle’s fuel economy, and your wallet, in a big way. Depending on the kind of vehicle you drive and just how extreme you are with the throttle and brake, tempering your driving style can up your vehicle’s fuel economy by more than 5 mpg. That’s a serious bump. Scaling back the speed by just 5 mph means you’ll also see an increase in fuel economy.
At Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa, FL, we know the key to making your vehicle last; good maintenance. An overwhelming percentage of the problems we see, especially the really catastrophic ones, are a result of poor maintenance. While properly maintaining a vehicle can seem like a bit of a hassle, it is absolutely worth the payoff. Good maintenance is the only difference between a car that lasts 80,000 miles and a car that lasts 400,000 miles. Preventative maintenance and repair when a problem occurs are your two concerns, and both will keep your car on the road far longer if observed properly.
If you own or operate a fleet of vehicles or a commercial truck, chances are you’ve encountered a bad ball joint or two. How do you catch one before it breaks, and why is it important? Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa, FL has the answers.
Here at Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa we often do diagnostics and sometimes the problem is obvious after hooking the car up to the computer and reading the codes. However, sometimes it isn't obvious during a test drive or after hooking it up to all those computer programs! You know there is a problem and a Check Engine Light is on with the fleet customer telling you the car has been having issues starting and the light has been going off and on depending on several factors. No pattern, no simple answer but the problem becomes obvious when you start following the "threads of the issue" thanks to all that ASE Technician training.
If you drive a car, truck, or SUV that runs on gasoline, there's a good chance you’ve run it low on fuel a few times (or more than a few times,) and maybe even run out of gas completely a time or two. At Twisted Metal Off Road & Diesel in Tampa, FL, we like to provide information applicable to you. Running a vehicle low on fuel is something we’re all guilty of, and most of us don’t think twice about it. But, can it be bad for your car?
6113 Causeway Blvd
Tampa, FL 33619
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